
Text: If everything is a priority one, then nothing is. #clarity Image: blue sky with one glasses lens

Text: If everything is a priority one, then nothing is. #clarity

Image: blue sky with one glasses lens

In third grade I got in trouble for talking too much in class. Not because of my natural loquaciousness, although it didn’t help, because I couldn’t see the chalkboard. My eyes had already begun their slow march to eternal blurriness. I’ve been wearing visual support aids since then, with my unaided sight degrading almost yearly. Not being able to see the board made it difficult for me to do the work. Clarity is an essential part of achieving our desired goals- personal and professional.

Most founders and the majority of the folks I work with have a powerful vision for their work and their company. Their vision is what inspired them to get into the work they do and it has inspired others to invest in their efforts. Clarity is about how you are able to distinguish the tasks and goals that best serve that vision. It’s like glasses or window cleaner- it aids your vision by bringing things into focus.

Often clarity requires perspective. Most of us get bogged down by the day-to-day. We can lose touch with our priorities, or even how to set them. Solo-prenuers often end up in a world where everything feels like a priority one. And, if everything is a priority one, then nothing is.

When we work together, I will help you better achieve your vision by giving you the tools and perspective to incorporate and develop clarity in your decision making. Often this is through developing an organizational strategy or framework. (Or a work plan— it matters less what it’s called and more what it does.) Developing this type of outline for your values, long term goals, and preferred methods for doing your work has several advantages.

Identifying in a concrete fashion where you want to go and how you want to get there:

  • you can better distinguish between distractions and opportunities

  • you will have a simple guide for how to make decisions and what to prioritize

  • you will be confident as you determine your focus for needed resources and tools that you are building the foundation and infrastructure best suited to achieve your desired outcomes.

I focus on Clarity as a core value, rather than planning or vision, because I find it to be the key to maximizing our vision and keeping our plans realistic. It can be just as easy to get distracted by planning and put too much focus on planning rather than doing. We will avoid that pitfall by keeping our eyes firmly on your goals, and helping you to get clear and concrete about what they are if you need to do so.

I offer 30 min free consults — sign up for one if you are curious about this value and we can talk about how it applies to what you are up to. (


Founder, Director of Motivation. Organizational Strategist for Dreamers.


